The Gnostic Experience

One of the biggest questions I’ve received since coming out as a Born Again Gnostic Christian is: “how can I experience the life changing event known as gnosis?”

One approach is a very simple prayer as practiced by certain members of the Catholic Clergy.  Instead of repeating a scripted prayer like the “Our Father,” or asking for things like health and wealth, this prayer involves going into a quiet place, and doing a very special type of listening.

Not just listening with your hearing, but sensing across all of your senses.  And doing so in perfect stillness, without any distracting thoughts or interruptions.  For it is in this stillness, that the connection with (god/source/the Father) is made.

While this prayer may be simple, it is anything but easy.  Don’t give up if your mind refuses to cooperate.  Each time you try, you’ll get better and better at quieting your mind, until it just happens.

Until next time …

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