Quieting the Mind

Last time, I shared a simple Gnostic prayer as used by our distant relatives to attain gnosis through a connection to (source / god / the Father).  Anyone who has since tried this, by now realizes that simple does not necessarily mean easy.

Many sat down in silence, only to be distracted by thoughts … many, many thoughts:
“did I set the alarm for tomorrow? why am I wasting my time on this? animal cruelty!”

If this describes your experience, the next step is to quiet your mind …

Quieting the Mind

Thoughts that race through your head when you’re trying to only listen are typically there for a reason.  The best way to silence them is to neutralize them.  To begin. acknowledge each thought as they arise.

If it’s something simple like “did I set the alarm”, acknowledge the question with the answer.  If it something that you’ve decided like “why am I wasting my time on this” acknowledge the question with your decision.

If it’s something big like “animal cruelty”, or a thought that requires further attention, acknowledge the thought with a commitment to follow up.  Have something nearby to write with so you can compile these thoughts for future actions.

Often, the very process of writing them down, raises your awareness and the thought resolves as a result. Those that do not resolve quickly can take a long time.  Either way, the process of transferring these thoughts to paper clears your mind so that you can more easily experience the silence.

(and hopefully, sleep better too 🙂

Until next time …



The Gnostic Experience

One of the biggest questions I’ve received since coming out as a Born Again Gnostic Christian is: “how can I experience the life changing event known as gnosis?”

One approach is a very simple prayer as practiced by certain members of the Catholic Clergy.  Instead of repeating a scripted prayer like the “Our Father,” or asking for things like health and wealth, this prayer involves going into a quiet place, and doing a very special type of listening.

Not just listening with your hearing, but sensing across all of your senses.  And doing so in perfect stillness, without any distracting thoughts or interruptions.  For it is in this stillness, that the connection with (god/source/the Father) is made.

While this prayer may be simple, it is anything but easy.  Don’t give up if your mind refuses to cooperate.  Each time you try, you’ll get better and better at quieting your mind, until it just happens.

Until next time …

Born Again Gnostic

As often happens here in the Bible belt, I recently met a neighbor who disclosed he was a Born Again Christian.  While I immediately understood his belief system, my attempt to share mine was a disaster.  After some contemplation, this is the result …

I am a Gnostic Christian

The original Gnostics were one of several early Christian sects that existed before Christianity became standardized into one set of writings, with one standard creed.

Gnostic writings flourished among the initial Christians of the second century, until the organizers of the early Church decided they were heresy.  Within a hundred years or so, all of the Gnostics were gone, and their writings were erased from history.

Then in 1945, the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in Egypt.  These included many of the original Gnostic texts that had previously been hidden and destroyed.

So What Made the Gnostics Heretics?

The Gnostics believed that the real ministry of Jesus was to clarify the true nature of god (the father/source) — the alpha and the omega — the first and the last — the beginning and the end.

Further, that Jesus taught how this truth can be known through direct personal experience. And once attained, people can have a direct personal relationship with god … with nobody required in between (rabbi, priest, bishop, pope, imam, ayatollah, king, etc.).

“Gnosis – the act of knowing through experience”

By these criteria alone, I am a Gnostic Christian.

Born Again Gnostic

To call myself a Gnostic, however, is not sufficient.  I want to acknowledge the history of the Gnostics, and how they were suppressed and erased for over 1700 years.  How their persecution continues today, and how it has expanded into the thought and narrative control we see in other modern power structures.

For these reasons and more, I am a Born Again Gnostic.

Until next time …


When I was young, I remember being taught in school how to protect myself from a nuclear explosion by hiding under my desk.

As the years went by, this fear of annihilation morphed into a cold war between two major powers.  On one side was the United States, with its Bill of Rights and Constitutional government.  On the other was the Soviet Union, and its communist form of governance.

We were told that the communists were godless, and persecuted churches and peoples of faith.  We were told that their elections were shams, and the only people that could be elected were approved by the “party.”  We were told that their history was distorted, and that their news was lies and propaganda.

We were told that their people lived in fear, for if they said or did the wrong thing, they would be sent to a gulag in Siberia.

How could those people not know they were being lied to?

How could they not know they were slaves/prisoners?

Today I understand.

As Judge Napolitano writes about tomorrow, we have become the people of the former Soviet Union.  Welcome to Amerika 2024.

“We know they are lying, they know they are lying, they know we know they are lying, we know they know we know they are lying, but they are still lying.”
– Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is observed to honor the soldiers who died while serving our nation.  Many will use this day to celebrate America, and the freedoms enjoyed as a result of these sacrifices.

What freedoms are we celebrating?  Half of the Bill of Rights is gone, and the other half is under attack.

Instead of celebrating what America has become, maybe we can use this day to remember what America is supposed to be about … before it’s too late, and the last of our freedoms are gone.

Palestinian or Jew

If you were born at exactly the same moment — to a different mother, a different community, a different religion — would you still be who you currently are?

Many people believe that genetics (as inherited through our family tree) determines our race, color, and gender. They believe that our life experiences, as shared with family and community, paint unique stories of our lives that define who we are.

But what if we are more than this?

More and more people are realizing that we are more than just our physical body, and more than just the stories we tell ourselves about our past. (All of the great world religions and spiritual traditions share these concepts. They also share certain techniques that can be used to attain the higher states of consciousness where these concepts can be experienced directly.)

And more and more people are realizing that you are too. When you can see your enemy as another divine being sharing a human experience, you can suddenly understand how life circumstances could have brought them to this point in their life. Just as your life circumstances has brought you to yours.

“There but by the grace of God go I”

The true path to harmony lies not in replacing one narrative with another. The true path lies in removing the narratives all together.

The true path is in coming to know who you really are, then aligning with your life purpose.

Until next time …

Jay Fenello
Awaking Coach

An Internet Awakening … Revisited

I wrote this over 20 years ago ...
(posted on 4/17/2000, slightly edited)

"Thanks to the Internet, we are now on the cusp of 
our greatest renaissance. Or our worst dark ages."

An Internet Awakening
by Jay Fenello

This is a movement of awakening.

It is an awakening to the human condition — who we are, what we do, and why we do it.

It is an awakening to the unconscious nature of our actions, and how they are driven by unconscious beliefs.  It is an exploration of these unconscious beliefs, and the process of replacing them with conscious ones, beliefs made rationally and spiritually.

And through this process, it’s an awakening to who we really are, our purpose here on this planet, and a personal relationship with the God of our hearts.

Now this discussion may sound a little strange to you.  I know, because there was a time when it would have sounded strange to me.  But this is my truth, for I have seen the results of this movement, up close and personal.

This process of moving from darkness to light, from unconsciousness to consciousness, can be a rocky road, full of emotional turmoil, distress and misunderstandings.  But the end result is worth it, for it is that which we all seek.

And *this* reminds me of ICANN, the newly formed organization established by the Clinton administration to assume the role of Internet Governance.

In actuality, it is a take-over of the Internet by big business, big media, and big government.  It is currently pursuing an agenda that would place some serious controls over its use, and some serious controls over civil liberties.  Worst of all, it lies, cheats and steals to get its way.

So, how did we end up with a seriously flawed organization like ICANN governing the Internet?

Why didn’t our governments step in to stop it?  Why didn’t the world press report it?  And why did some of our most prestigious institutions and foundations support it?

In the real world, the answers to these questions are conjecture, mere whispers in the wind.  On the Internet, they are the seeds of our collective rebirth.

Before the Internet, we could not tell that big business had been using exactly the same techniques with ICANN, that it had with the WTO, NAFTA, etc.  We could not tell that a knowledgeable minority existed in each of these battles, and despite their protests and well reasoned arguments, they were ignored and marginalized by our government and by our press.

Now, thanks to the Internet, we can see this pattern in action.  We can see how big business uses the government for its own benefit, and how it uses the media to hide its secret agendas.

And this situation is getting worse.

Not so long ago, a single organization could only control a handful of media outlets, and only if they were scattered throughout the nation.  Today, thanks to the Telecom Act of 1996, these restrictions have either been removed or drastically reduced.

The truth of the matter is, we are all stuck in a recurring pattern.  We are using unexamined beliefs about our government and the way our world works, to guide our actions.  And through this process, we continue to get results that we don’t want.

In other words, ICANN is really just a symptom of the problem.  The real problem is our “collective *un*consciousness.”

In my opinion, what is happening is power has been consolidated to the point where those at the top, no longer feel that the rules apply to them.  And given current events, they are right.

I humbly suggest that it is time for us to realize that many of our fundamental beliefs about the world are no longer valid (if they ever were).  It’s time for us to explore these fundamental beliefs, and replace them with beliefs made rationally and spiritually.

Thanks to the Internet, we are now on the cusp of our greatest renaissance. Or our worst dark ages.  Let’s hope we choose wisely.

Posted in Uncategorized

Welcome to World War III

World War III is happening right now, and you are in it.

Centers of power have aligned in strategies and tactics, and open warfare is ongoing.

Advances in technology, biology and psychology have merged to allowed big tech, media, pharma and government to drive behaviors for profit and control.  And just like the prior two world wars, this one is world wide.

We see this in the globally coordinated attacks on money supplies, small businesses, commodities, energy, and services of all sorts.  We see it in the globally coordinated attacks on history, education and political systems.  And we see it in the globally coordinated biological attacks, responses, and counter-attacks.

Unlike prior world wars, however, this one is not being fought with guns, between people in different geographical locations.  This one is being fought with words, images and concepts, globally, by the powers that be versus everyone else.  It’s a battle for our minds, and their primary weapon is the narrative … infused via propaganda and censorship.

Until next time …

Jay Fenello

On Consciousness

I’ve previously written about consciousness, meditation, and something I call “the harmony point.”  One of the challenges in writing on these topics, is how difficult it is to describe something that is often beyond words.

I recently came across two videos that do a good job of describing these same concepts from slightly different perspectives. The first one will resonate with those who come out of a Bible-based tradition.

The second will resonate with those who come out of a more spiritual tradition.

Either way, enjoy, and comments welcome …